A love for Scrapbooking

A Crafty Blog

July Update August 1, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — gotta love scrappin' @ 6:53 pm

July Update:

I am very happy to report I saved enough money to have paid the trip in cash and take spending money to have spent ZERO from any debit or credit cards!  I am super excited about that because after all the changes we made in May to refinance the house I knew it would be rough getting things back in order.   And a plus I brought money back home with us too.  SCORE!  But I also had a car repair bill of $320 to pay.  Hopefully that little fix will keep that me running for several more years!

House Debt Paid:  2%

I said back in June, my goal would be 10% by October.  I am changing it to be a little more realistic.  I will be at 10% by December.  I hope August will be a great month and we will be able to frugally shop for back to school.  Lucky part is I still have several items leftover from last year! 

Our trip out west was absolutely wonderful.  I already want to go back and haven’t been home two weeks. 

This is one of the thousands of pictures I took. 

School is starting very soon in this area!  Enjoy what is left of the summer!

